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New Group tab option - Show Pages Submitted to Group for Assessment

Posted on 28 July 2015, 15:34
Last updated Tuesday, 28 July 2015, 15:40

There is now an option to display a tab in your group dedicated to showing pages submitted to the group for assessment.

To enable it, edit the group settings, and check the appropriate box.


As indicated in the text, the option is only available if you have enabled Allow Submissions elsewhere in the group settings.

The new tab shows a list of all submitted pages, with comprehensive search options:


Of course, now that we have a new version of Moodle, it is also possible to submit workflow pages to a Moodle assignment for assessment, instead of submitting them to the workflow group! But that is the subject of a separate future post and How-To guide.

Copying pages and collections is now much easier

Posted on 28 July 2015, 15:25
Last updated Tuesday, 28 July 2015, 15:37

Any page or collection which is copyable will now show a Copy button in the admin bar at the top of the page. So if you know the url of the page you want to copy, you can just visit it and hit the Copy button.

This makes it MUCH easier for tutors to share templated content with students. Once you have made your page copyable, and shared it appropriately, just give your students a link to the page, and ask them to make a copy of it.

To help users with this feature I have added a couple of new How-To guides:

How to Make Your Page or Collection Copyable

How to Copy a Page or Collection

Image Gallery updated

Posted on 15 June 2015, 15:20
Last updated Monday, 15 June 2015, 15:22

The Image Gallery was updated to be more consistent, and to work better on mobile devices.

  • Images are now resized downwards on a smaller screen.
  • The Gallery stays at the same fixed size when browsing through images, instead of changing size according to the image on display.
  • The left and right navigation buttons are no longer hidden when the image gallery is in a narrow column.
  • Keyboard controls still work for slideshows - use left and right arrow for previous and next image, and home and end buttons to go to the first and last images respectively.
  • There are new alignment options for the slideshow. If your slideshow layout has changed as a result of the update, you should be able to reset it using the alignment options. In the majority of cases your page should not appear any different since the change was implemented.

Collection updates

Posted on 28 April 2015, 12:37
Last updated Tuesday, 28 April 2015, 12:39

There are a couple of significant updates to Collections today.

First of all, there is a new drag-and-drop interface for organising the pages in a collection. This should make setting up collections quicker and more intuitive.


Secondly, there is now a new navigation option for collections. Instead of having tabs along the top of the page, it is possible to have a dropdown menu, from which pages can be selected. This is useful for very large collections, where having a large number of tabs can become unwieldy.



 Choosing the dropdown navigation


The dropdown navigation in action

Fixes to course searches

Posted on 28 April 2015, 12:30
Tags: browse, bug, course, fix, search

The option to filter content by course when browsing through other users' content in the Community area was not available. That has been fixed now.

Filtering content by college and course can be slow at times - we are looking into ways of speeding this up in future.